I'm 13 years old, I live in the tri-kingdom area. I live in La-La land with my sister, Lilly. We have a beautiful Venus-Flytrap garden with their leader, Audrey too, in full bloom. My fiancee's name is Prince Trevor of Russia. his evol grandpa, Cherb, loves to make our lives miserable. My friends are Acorn of the Drama Queendom, Michelle P of Lu-Lu Land, Purple the Nobel-Prize winning wizard, Jacob the gay drunkard/ evil prince of Wheretheheckistan, Quincey Jacob's ex-lover and valiant knight, Ash-Bobina the giant, and Ponyboy the Sea King. We love to to go on endless adventures (usually fixing something my evil chauffeur, Cherbs ((not Cherb, Cherbs)) has done wrong). I was hit by a preggo-ray alongside Acorn and had my mutant son, Todd about a month ago. He was eaten by Cherbs and then thrown up when Han Solo came to save me from being killed by Cherbs. Acorn had her supah-baby named Lucy about a month before I had Todd and she adopted Todd as her own when I decided I hated him. In our current adventure I'm stuck in a tent floating in space with my fiancee, prince Trevor. Purple is communicating with us telepathically and Lilly is wondering why he can't understand what we're saying. She thinks that we're making her nieces and nephews but it's so not true. Purple was dead last month...and the month before that...he keeps coming back and we can't seem to get rid of him. maybe When Ash-bobina gets home from bowling in Cincinnati she can help us...
tallyho, g'day, and Buh-BYE.
- is a female
- last seen: 18:27, 10 Aug 2009
- is a member since 17 May 2009
- has a homepage » link
- specializes in Anime and Chibis
- She's inspired by Music ♥
- Location La-La Land
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